Become a member

Become an individual member

Now, more than ever, you want to be assured that your professional development aspirations are being considered. Membership of Women in Aid & Development gives you access to programs and information that will support your career development and leadership aspirations.

Your membership will also enable Women in Aid and Development to be sustainable long term by supporting our modest expenses to deliver speakers at networking events, newsletters and information delivered by Website, LinkedIn, and social media.

You will also receive a limited number of free tickets to events in either Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney and/or online, access to our mentoring program as a Mentor or a Mentee or both! You can speak at our events and if a senior staff member may apply for the Women in Aid & Development board Observer program. Finally you will have access to the WiAD annual report, and an invitation to attend annual member meetings. More details included below.

Join as an Organisation Member

Are you an organisation in the aid, development, humanitarian or not-for-profit sector looking to promote women's leadership opportunities to your staff? Or are you a university educating students in these areas? Both are eligible to join Women in Aid & Development as organisational members.

Organisational membership gives your agency the opportunity to support the career development and leadership aspirations of your staff and the sector. Your membership will enable Women in Aid and Development to be sustainable long term by supporting our modest expenses to deliver speakers at networking events, information by Website, LinkedIn, and social media.

Your Organisation will receive benefits designed to support participation and networking of your staff and to complement leadership development programs you provide internally. Benefits include a limited number of free tickets to events in Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney, your logo on the website and in the WiAD annual report, and an invitation to attend annual member meetings.

Our Mentoring program round twice each year and your staff members will be eligible to participate and speakers, mentors, and mentees and for senior staff to apply for the Women in Aid & Development board Observer program.


General member.


Are you new to Women in Aid & Development and want to dip your toes in? Join our community of aid and development professionals as a general member.


  • You are entitled to attend two Face to Face Women in Aid & Development networking sessions, each calendar year, AT NO COST.

  • You are eligible to apply to Volunteer in a number of roles including on the Event leadership Committee and participate in planning and presenting events in your city.

  • You are eligible to participate in the mentoring program when you have been a member for three months or more once every three years.

  • You will receive an annual report and an invitation to attend annual member meetings by teleconference where the annual report and financial reports are presented. You are NOT eligible to vote at general meetings of members or stand for election or accept any elected office within the Association

Voting member.


Would you like to contribute to the direction of Women in Aid & Development? Join us as a voting member.


  • You are entitled to attend two Face to Face Women in Aid & Development networking sessions, each calendar year, AT NO COST.

  • You are eligible to apply to Volunteer in a number of roles including on the Event leadership Committee and participate in planning and presenting events in your city.

  • You are eligible to participate in the mentoring program when you have been a member for three months or more once every three years.

  • You will receive an annual report on our work and an invitation to attend and take part in discussion at general meetings of members by teleconference where the annual report and financial reports are presented.

  • You are eligible to Vote on any resolution or matter at a general meeting.

  • You are eligible to stand for election and accept any elected office within the Association

Organisational member.

from $110.00


  • Organisations are entitled to send FOUR staff members to attend Women in Aid & Development networking sessions, each quarter, AT NO COST.*

  • Staff Members are eligible to apply to Volunteer in a number of roles including on the Event leadership Committee and participate in planning and presenting events in your city.

  • Two staff members are eligible to participate as a Mentee in the mentoring program each year.

  • Unlimited staff members are eigible to participate as Mentors in the mentoring program.

  • The Organisation will be invited to nominate speakers for events and may offer staff members to speak on relevant topics.

  • The Organisation will receive an annual report and an invitation to attend and take part in discussion at general meetings of members by teleconference where the annual report and financial reports are presented.

  • Logo on the Women in Aid & Development Website

  • Acknowledged on Women in Aid & Development Facebook Page

  • Acknowledged on Women in Aid & Development LinkedIn Page & Group

*This could be four different staff at the same event, or one staff member at different events depending on the preference of the organisational member.


Member fees are determined by Organisation size.

  • Large Organisations – (ACFID Tier 1 & Tier 2) $550 per annum

  • Medium organisations – (ACFID Tier 3 & 4) $320 per annum

  • Small Organisations – ( ACFID Tues 5-9) $110 Cost per annum


Current organisation members.


The detail and small print.

Membership is open to all individuals, aged 18 and over who support the objectives of the Association, pay the relevant membership fee annually, and have been accepted by the board as a member.

Resignation & Non-Transference of entitlements: A Member of the Association ceases to be a Member of the Association if the person: resigns their membership in accordance with Clause 11.1 i.e. resigns with one month notice to Secretary.

Check the constitution if you want to know more. The constitution prevails if this website information deviates in any way.