New Technologies in the Aid Development & Humanitarian Sector
New and emerging technologies have enabled significant development progress over the decades – from vaccines to mobile phones to the internet. The UN recently called for improvement in this area, arguing that it is ‘critical to assess how technology can be mobilized to provide solutions to our greatest challenges’ in achieving the Global Goals.
Technology has advanced enormously in recent decades. It has become part of everyday life for billions of people around the world and was accelerated during the Covid response with Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, digital cash as well as digital tools for education, business and health care. At the same time, concern over data protection and privacy, cybersecurity, personal liberty and misinformation have grown. These raise fundamental questions about technological preparedness, effectiveness and mobility, as well as digital inequality.
Communications, supply chains, project planning and programme monitoring are all parts of international development where technology is already effectively utilised. Both development professionals, and students of development studies, must begin to think about how technology will alter how global challenges are addressed.
Join our events to hear from speakers already introducing and using technology in aid & development to organisations, as we move towards a digital future.
As usual, the night will involve a relaxed chat facilitated by WiAD City leaders with questions to follow, and it will be an excellent opportunity to network.
Everyone is welcome, so please share the event with your friends and colleagues. Speakers will be announced soon - send us a suggestion.
Located at Coopers Inn in Melbourne.
Cost: $20 - Non-members, $10 - Students and unwaged, Free - Members of Women in Aid & Development