Young Australians are compassionate global citizens who want to share in developing and implementing dynamic solutions to global poverty. However, the aid, development and humanitarian sector is small and very competitive as projects and programs are increasingly being delivered by local development practitioners residing in-country. It is consequently becoming harder to secure a first role and develop a rewarding career.
Come join colleagues in the sector to gain insights and gather tips and ideas from professionals working in the sector and in academia.
Speakers will address key aspects in career development including:
Degrees, Technical Skills and specific focus areas such as Gender studies - which to choose?
How to leverage volunteering and internships into a permanent role.
The value of building networks & finding mentors.
How to get a role in UN agencies or Multilateral agencies e.g., Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, or the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria., etc.
Unconventional pathways to development roles.
Join our October networking forums to hear how you can secure your first role, decide if you should undertake advanced studies and how best to position yourself to secure promotions, access capacity-building opportunities and develop a rewarding career.
Cost: FREE for WIAD Members, $25 for Supporters, $10 for Non-Member Students, interns and unwaged.
Bardie Barclay-Sutton
Bardie has over a decade of experience working with NGO’s such as World Vision, Oaktree, Red Cross and Save the Children. She is currently a consultant for Clear Horizon supporting measurement, evaluation and learning of international development projects in the Asia-Pacific. An alumni of the Australian Volunteers Program (AVP), she has completed assignments in Indonesia and Mongolia. Alongside her work, she currently volunteers as President of the Melbourne Development Circle, a not-for-profit community group, and is completing a Masters in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development at ANU.
Jill Scanlon
Jill is a Media and Communications consultant in the Development sector with a particular interest and strength in Sport for Development, advocacy, policy, facilitation and partnerships.
Currently lecturing at ACU in Bachelor of International Development Studies, she has been involved with WiAD for several years, starting as a volunteer, then on the Events Leadership Committee, becoming the facilitator of the Melbourne events and now serving as a Director on the WiAD Board.
She is also a journalist, returned Australian volunteer (Pacific) and strong advocate of social inclusion (gender and disability), especially through sport.
She spent two years living and working in Vanuatu in Media/Communications roles, which involved a key focus on capacity building, strategic planning and stakeholder/partnership development and advocacy and continues that strong association in a support role with her Vanuatu organisation.
She worked for the ABC in international broadcasting for 25 years and then turned her focus to her passion for the work being done in the international and community development sector, underlined by her BA in Media, Post Grad in Journalism and Masters Degree in International and Community Development.
Tricia Malowney
Tricia Malowney OAM is the Chief Accessibility Advocate for the Victorian Department of Transport. She provides an advocacy consultancy to government and non-government agencies. Tricia is a senior member of the Disability Leadership Institute and works to bring a gender lens to Disability Sector and a disability lens to mainstream services. Tricia has been running a consultancy for the past 20 years operating in a range of portfolios including transport, justice, health and housing.
Tricia is a member of the NDIA Independent Advisory Council, a Director at the Urgent Action Fund for Women, Asia Pacific and a Director at Australia Indonesia Disability Research Advocacy Network. Tricia is a member of the Fire Rescue Victoria Strategic Advisory Council and is chair of the Client Advisory Committees at OCConnections and at Outlook Australia
Tricia has attended and spoken at many conferences in Australia and overseas, and was the Australian delegate to the International Conference on Population and Development in Nairobi in 2019. In 2019 and 2020, Tricia was Invited to the Indonesian Economic Development Forum, to speak on the Economic Benefits of Employing People with Disabilities and regularly contributes to international forums on disability inclusion. She is about to head to Indonesia as the Key Note Speaker at the AIDRAN Biennial Conference in Yogyakarta, with the topic “Australia’s experience of policy reform and the importance of disability leadership in development”
Tricia was awarded a Medal in the order of Australia for her advocacy work on behalf of people with disabilities in 2017, In 2013 she was inducted into the Victorian Honour Roll of Women for services to women with disabilities. In 2022, Tricia was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to look at end to end journeys for people with disabilities and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in 2023.
Tricia was the Inaugural President of the Victorian Disability Services Board and was Deputy Chair of the Victorian Disability Advisory Council.